Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Myth: Is The Air In Bubble Wrap Toxic?

There has been question to the myth that the air in bubble wrap is toxic. Is this myth true? Well, the company who make the packaging material called Bubble Wrap is called Sealed Air. They make the bubble wrap from polyethylene, which is a type of plastic. This plastic is not considered biodegradable, which may have sparked the myth that the bubble wrap and the air inside can be “toxic”. However, the company name Sealed Air, gives us a good idea of whats contained inside the plastic bubbles.

Bubble wrap contains air NOT toxic air. The air is sealed inside an individual cell that consists of polyethylene, a special barrier layer, then another layer of polyethylene. The air inside is used simply as a cushion. It is not toxic or become toxic over time, it is just simply air.

On the Sealed Air Products website, there is a flash animation showing how they construct their bubble wrap and in it, it shows that nothing is added inside the bubble to make it potentially toxic. This source is credible because it is the official webpage of the bubble wrap brand. When I searched the Sealed Air Corporation on wikipedia, it linked to the official website of Sealed Air Products, where i found all my information from. The myth that the air in bubble is toxic is false.


  1. You cannot use Wikipedia as a credible source since information on that page can be edited, and is not peer-reviewed.
    Additionally, links can be inserted to take the reader where the author desires.
    Further research sites would be needed to affirm or deny the myths about the air inside bubble wrap.

  2. no the air is not toxic in bubbles of the bubble wrap
    Bubble Wrap and Foam
